
Gurah Herbs - Gurafit

Gurafit Herbs can help combat various diseases such as tuberculosis, polyps, asthma, tonsillitis, bronchitis, Dust Allergies, headaches, shortness of breath, a cold, runny nose, Chronic Cough, Cough Colds, Flu, Sinusitis, Pharyngitis

Contents: 50 Capsules @ 500 Gram

Special blend between:

  • Black cumin (Nigella sativae Cement)
    • As the Anti-Histamine. Histamine is a substance released by bodily tissues, giving allergic reactions such as bronchial asthma. Black Seed Oil is made and 'can isolate ditymoquinone, is often called nogellone oil from volatile nigella. Giving these oils have a positive impact on people with bronchial asthma. Research conducted by Dr. Med. Peter Schleincher, experts immonlogi of Universitas Munich. He conducted tests on 600 people who suffer from allergies, the results are quite convincing; 70% who suffer from allergies to sebuk, acne, and asthma oil recovered after being given Nigella (Black Seed). In practice, Dr. Schleincer prescribe Seed 'to patients suffering from influenza.
  • Ginger (Zingiberis officinale Rhizoma)
    • With the active substance: Alpha - linolenic - acid: stimulates the immune system, stimulates the production of lymph nodes, 1.8 cineole: a central nervous stimulant stimulates perspiration, Aspartic acid: a refresher.
  • Senggugu (Clerodendrum serratum Herba)
    • Containing Potassium, triterpenoid compounds, Nolan olea acid, amino acid and serratogenat gueretaroat nutritious Analgesic (pain relief), Bronkhodilator (loosen the respiratory tract), Antibiotics, Ekspectoran (shed phlegm).


Influenza - Chlorophyl Mint Powder (CMP)

Influenza - Chlorophyl Mint Powder (CMP)
1 sachet is equivalent to 2kg Chlorophyl Mint Powder (CMP) vegetables. In addition to maintain health, consumption of CMP has been shown to lose weight in a healthy manner, and facilitate defecation.

CMP is extracted from the leaves of Mulberry (Morus Alba), has a high content of chlorophyll which is about 5-10 times compared Alfalfa leaf.

The benefits of the CMP:

  • Lose weight 2-4kg / week
  • Maintaining a balance wet acidic body
  • Able to bind harmful heavy metals from the body is then removed with feces
  • Chlorophyll is also capable of binding to carcinogenic substances, thereby reducing the risk of causing damage to the DNA of cancer cells
  • Chlorophyll also is antibacterial so as to accelerate the healing of wounds
  • The potential in stimulating red blood cells to improve oxygen supply
  • Improve the absorption of calcium, thus preventing the formation of calcium oxalate stones (kidney stones)
  • Being able to ward off a number of free radical chemicals

What the heck is chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is believed to be the miracle of life on planet Earth, because without chlorophyll impossible to developing a high level of life.
Chlorophyll is the green substance leaves the store solar energy as the process of photosynthesis. Chemically, chlorophyll has a structure similar to human red blood cells.
Chlorophyll Mint Powder Products (CMP) is extracted from the leaves of Mulberry (Morus Alba) has a high content of chlorophyll, which is about 5-10 times compared to alfalfa leaves.

Chlorophyll is a Supplement is useful for:

  • People who do not like to eat vegetables
  • The Women / Men who Mw HEALTHY diet
  • People who constipation

CMP can cure diseases:

  • Sore throat, influenza, asthma, bronchitis
  • Heartburn (gastritis), constipation, flatulence
  • Wasir/Ambeien
  • Tumor and cancer
  • Atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart
  • Osteoporosis
  • Kidney
  • Wound-new, old wounds are hard to heal
  • Anemia (lack of blood)
  • Diabetes, cholesterol, uric acid
  • Menstrual Disorders
  • Hepatitis and other liver disorders
  • Painful joints (rheumatoid arthristis) bone pain, muscle pain (myalgia)
  • Dengue
  • Hemophilia
  • Thrush, bad breath, body odor

Another BENEFITS of CMP:

  • Powder form, practical and simple to be brought brought
  • Without Preservatives Ingredients (liquid chlorophyll generally use preservatives methylparaben / Prophilpalabens)
  • Made From Mulberry leaf contains no Amino Acid L-Canavanine (Leaf Alfalfa contains L-Amino Acid Canavanine that can cause disease Lupus)
  • It has a chemical structure similar to that of red blood cells manus

There are no side effects!
CMP 100% made from herbs: YOUNG LEAVES made from MULBERRY (Morus Alba L). Where Mulberry leaf extract has long been used to balance the body's energy and Diabetes Treatment. Chlorophyll is the green substance leaves the store solar energy as the process of photosynthesis. Chemically, chlorophyll has a structure similar to human red blood cells. Products Chlorophyl Mint Powder (CMP) is extracted from the leaves of Mulberry (Morus Alba), has a high content of chlorophyll, which is about 5-10 times compared to alfalfa leaves.

How to use CMP to diet:

  1. for the first 3 days, 1 hour prev breakfast drink 2 sachets of CMP, such as regular lunch, 1 hour prev dinner drink 2 sachets CMP, CMP drink 2 sachets before bed.
  2. after a 3 day, valid for 1 week. Prev 1hr breakfast drink 1 sachet of CMP, such as regular lunch, 1 hour prev dinner drink 1 sachet CMP, CMP drink 1 sachet before bedtime.
  3. after 1 week, valid for 1 month. 1 hour before breakfast drink 1 sachet of CMP, such as regular lunch, dinner such as usual, before going to bed drink 1 sachet of CMP.


  • Her drinking CMP DO NOT use warm water ... at least ordinary water, cold water may be.
  • above do not eat dinner at 19.00
  • CMP powder dissolved in water with a dose of less than 300ml.

Speksifikasi: 1 Box contents 30 Wrap

Blood Pressure - Neo Tension Herbs

Blood Pressure - Neo tension herbs
Neo-tension (Preventing and Treating Blood Pressure)
Contents: 60 capsules

Insyallah efficacious for:

  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Preventing the occurrence of stroke
  • Preventing complications in the brain, heart and kidneys
  • Relieves symptoms of hypertension (headache, fatigue, ringing in the ears, anxiety, aches and pains, insomnia, neck discomfort, palpitations, sometimes nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath)


  • Gynura sagetum (leaves of the gods)
  • Sonchus arvensis (tempuyung)
  • Gratissima Persea (avocado leaves)
  • Morinda citrifolia (noni)
  • Centella asiatica (gotu kola herb)
  • Andrographis peniculata (bitter herbs)
  • And other nutritious ingredients to 100%

Someone said to suffer from hypertension when the systolic blood pressure values ​​(when the heart contracts) above 140 mm Hg and diastolic (heart relaxes) above 90 mm Hg. Hypertension is more popularly called by high blood often not realized because it has no specific symptoms. . And if not handled properly will be at risk of hypertensive patients die from cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart attack, heart failure and kidney failure.

The symptoms are easily observed, among others:

  • dizziness
  • often restless
  • face red
  • Neck feels stiff
  • irritability
  • ear buzzing
  • wakeful
  • blown
  • easily tired
  • Dizzy eyes

Causes of hypertension
Hypertension is often called degenerative diseases. Generally, patients are not aware he suffered from hypertension before their blood pressure checked. This disease is also known to affect anyone of various age groups and socio-economic groups. However, more common in the elderly, which is one risk factor.

Risk factors of hypertension:
1. heredity
2. strain the brain and prolonged stress
3. an increasingly older age
4. Excess sodium intake
5. Unhealthy lifestyle
6. Overweight

Alergic Herbs - Habatussauda Hajar Aswad

Herbs remedies - Habbatussauda Hajar AswadHabatussauda  is a nutritious crop that has tremendous benefits in the range of diseases, whether mild or severe. Habatussauda  has been known for thousands of years and is used widely by the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Habatussauda  deemed able to treat all kinds of diseases are based from various sources, both hadeeth and by scientific research.

Volume (Content): 125 Capsules
Permission MOH:
P-IRT: 212327305270

Manufacturer / Brand: Sari Flowers

Traditional Beneficial for:

  • Overcoming arthritis,
  • throat,
  • bad breath,
  • ation increases,
  • migraine,
  • exim,
  • various allergies,
  • uric acid,
  • pain in the joints,
  • heart problems,
  • gallstones,
  • kidney,
  • liver,
  • diabetes,
  • ulcer,
  • insomni a,
  • lung,
  • shortness of breath,
  • stroke,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • high and low blood stabilize,
  • lowering cholesterol,
  • cancer,
  • rheumatism,
  • epilepsy,
  • meninggkatkan immune system,
  • memory,
  • concentration,
  • hormone bioactivity,
  • anti-tumor,
  • neutralize toxins,
  • antihistamines,
  • antibacterial,
  • supplementary nutrition to pregnant mothers dna toddlers,
  • rejuvenate skin cells and delay the aging process,
  • nutrition for the elderly and food supplement.

Composition: Habatussauda / Nigella Sativa / Black Seed Black Seed Oil with 100%

For Treatment: 3x2 capsules
For Prevention: 2x2 capsules
Children half of the dose above